Every case and every client is different, but we are fair. Our pricing structure is designed so you will save money and pay less than you would pay the Debt collector if you did not hire us. Generally, we do not bill by the hour, and we offer payment plans to suit your needs. Many times your case may qualify to be paid, in part or in full, by the Debt collector, if and when we prevail in your case.

Again, depending on the intricacies of your case, the case could resolve very quickly–even immediately. Other cases might remain open and active for six months to a year or more. Keep in mind, we, generally, do not bill by the hour, so a case that is open longer will NOT cost more.

Most Creditor Law Group clients do not physically have to attend court. In most cases, once you retain an attorney to represent you, you will not be required to appear in court. But realize two things. If you have been served with a subpoena that listed a court date, you must attend court, or retain an attorney to represent you or a default judgement will be ordered. In addition, in some cases, Debt collectors may insist on a deposition where you must attend and answer questions (with your attorney present, of course). Also, in rare instances a Debt collector may issue a subpoena for your to attend the trial. This is not common, however. Generally, you will not have to attend court, if you hire a lawyer.

Debt consolidation companies that ask whether you “have $10,000 or more in credit card debt” are not lawyers. They suggest that they can settle your accounts for 40% or less. However, they generally charge you a percentage on the total amount “you owe.” This can be thousands of dollars, and they do nothing until you pay them in full. Ironically, while you are paying them, your creditors are not being paid, and one of two things may happen: 1) you will be sued; or 2) the statute of limitations will expire. If you are sued, a debt consolidation company cannot help you and will send you some form documents and wish you luck. A lawyer can defend you and in many instances make the debt disappear. If the statute of limitations has expired, DO NOT PAY THE debt. You are not legally required to pay them, and if you do, you may restart (or toll) the statute of limitations and you WILL be legally required to pay. A debt consolidator is not able to distinguish between debt Laws that need to be paid, and debts that should be ignored. Further, lawyers can stop the harrassing telephone calls and abusive Debt collectors, because we can sue them, if their behavior violates the law, even if their mistake is minor. In many instances, individuals pay debt consolidators thousands of dollars only to realize that they have wasted their money.